Your SAP ID is much like your apple cloud ID or google account. It's something you own and manage with regards to passwords, emails, ID, etc..
To onboard a user, the first step is to create a new SAP User ID. Navigate the following website and sign up for your SAP ID.
Once complete, provide the SAP ID and email address to the Administrator of the SAP Cloud Application (RBI, Digital Wall Chart, etc..) and they will add you as a user.
1) Tap this link to create your SAP ID:
2) You will receive a validation email. Validate this email by tapping the link in the email and logging in.
3) Once your SAP ID is created, you can access the SAP User ID by clicking this link:
4) It is is 10 digit ID, that will start with a “P”, “S”, or “I”. Below is a sample of what it will look like. Provide this 10 digit ID and email to the administrator of the application you need access too.