GET Inspection (Activity) Workorder/Notification

GET Inspection (Activity) Workorder/Notification


The AsInt Inspection (Activity) App allows users to associate Work Orders and Notifications against the Inspection event.  This article describes how a 3rd party API call can retrieve the Work Order and Notification GUIDs persisted against the Inspection event.

Technical Context

The method for persisting the Work Orders and Notifications associated to the Inspection is using the Long Text of the standard SAP Checklist, of type Simple Checklist.

GET the information from the Checklist

Call the standard API of /aspm/checklist-assessments/api/v1/checklists, passing in the ChecklistID.  See below call using POSTMan.

Sample Call via Postman
In the output, you will receive the following payload within the body.  Note, the "WO" that needs to be parsed to obtain the GUID (Global Unique Identifier) of the Work Order, as well as the Notification.  Please note there could be multiples assigned, the below notation shows how to parse the start and end of the GUID references.
  1. "WO_S" will be the start of the Work Order GUID
  2. "WO_E" will be the end of the Work Order GUID
  3. "NO_S" will be the start of the Notification GUID
  4. "NO_E" will be the end of the Notification GUID

Body output
After parsing of the GUID for Work Order or Notification, you can now call the Work Order and Notification ID.