Guidelines managing activities (additions and updates) with in a Turnaround in DWC.

Guidelines managing activities (additions and updates) with in a Turnaround in DWC.

This article provides step-by-step guidelines managing activities (additions and updates) with in a Turnaround in DWC.

Please follow the steps outlined below to add the activity for the respective turnaround:

Login to Digital Wall Chart

Use your SAP credentials to log in to the Digital Wall Chart application.

Access the Home Page

Once logged in, you will be directed to the Home Page. Based on your privileges, you will see various tiles.

Start by navigating to Administrator Tile -> Turnaround -> Select the Turnaround you want to add Activity -> Go to EQUIPMENT IN SCOPE section select the Equipment you wish for adding Activity to the selected Equipment.

To assign an Activity to any equipment listed in the turnaround, simply click on the equipment in the list.

To create a new activity and assign it to the equipment, click the “+” icon

In the below screen, we can see that 9 activities have already been assigned to the highlighted equipment.

Note: Same activity can’t be assigned with the same component if the activity is already part of the specific Component Group.

After clicking the ‘+’ icon, a new below window will open. Fill in the required fields to create the activity and then click Save, will see a pop-up confirming the successful creation of the activity.

Go back to the Activity Details page, and you’ll now see the updated list with the new activity (now 10 activities in total).  

Please follow the below step to update the Activities:

Navigate to the Inspector Tile -> Turnaround Summary

Select the turnaround where you want to update the activity.

In the screenshot below, we can see that 3 activities are in Completed state (marked "YES"), and 1 activity is still Open (marked "NO"). 

To update an existing activity, click on the “Pencil” icon next to the activity you wish to edit.

After clicking on the Pencil icon, a window will appear where you can fill the details and save the activity as required. Finally, Activity will be updated as required.

        Please follow below steps when updating the bulk Activities via spreadsheet

        Downloading the Activity Sheet  

        Click on the down arrow icon to download the activity sheet. 

Once the download is complete, open the Activity Sheet, which will display a list of activities associated with the respective equipment. 

Find the activity you need to update. For e.g., see the highlighted row.

Update the relevant fields (e.g., Assigned To, Completed By, On Completed).

After updating the necessary fields, click the up-arrow icon to upload the sheet back to the system. 

Note – When marking an activity as complete, ensure that the mandatory or required columns such as Assigned To/Completed By/On Completed are filled out correctly.

Important: Guidelines for managing the activities to a turnaround in the DWC.

Follow these steps to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the data when adding or updating activities in the system, minimizing errors and maintaining consistency throughout the process.

Always download the latest sheet when managing the Activity to a turnaround: Using an old spreadsheet for data updating can lead to issues such as outdated formulas, missing columns, and other errors. To avoid these problems, always start by downloading the latest sheet and during the turnaround for accurate data entry. This will also ensure you are working with the most up-to-date data and avoid the risk of overriding any existing information.

Double check while updating Fields: Ensure that all Mandatory and required fields/columns are not left blank or null when performing uploads via MS Excel or adding data through the User Interface. These fields must be filled in properly to prevent errors during the upload or data entry process.