AsInt Digital Wall Chart
Equipment Category Completeness graph shows any activities added after the Turnaround Start Date as “Remaining”
The Equipment Category Completeness graph shows any activities added after the Turnaround Start Date as “Remaining”. This is a code bug. Workaround: There is no workaround for this issue. It will be corrected in the next release.
Equipment Name is all numeric values
When importing from MS Excel Equipment data, if the Equipment Name is all numeric values, the import process states is must me of type string. Workaround: In the MS Excel workbook, place an apostrophe, or “‘“, in front of the all numeric Equipment ...
When adding an IWR activity from the wall chart Activity pop up, after tapping save you get the three dots hour glass.
When adding an IWR activity from the wall chart Activity pop up, after tapping save you get the three dots hour glass. No data is lost. Workaround: Refresh the browser page.
If the Area is Null, or Empty, the code fails and does not present the user with a list of Equipment
The Equipment Area is not a required field when defining a piece of Equipment either via the Administrator -> Equipment App, or via the Bulk Import utility. However, when adding an Equipment to the Turnaround there is logic checking the Area to see ...
When exporting the data to MS Excel for Activities, Equipment, or Scope, any date values are exported in a text value
When exporting the data to MS Excel for Activities, Equipment, or Scope, any date values are exported in a text value. This causes an issue when bulk importing the data back end, the user receives an error this is not a valid date or date is missing. ...